Panel Lift Storage & Transport Cart Model 117

Price: $189.00
  • SKUTP-117
- +
Current lead time is several  months. Order now to get yours on the production list. (as of June 2017)

Storage & Transport Cart (Model 110)

  • The Storage & Transport Cart Model 110 is designed to store and transport your PANELLIFT®.The 117 is compatible with models 125, 138-2 and 439.; keeping your work zone clutter-free.
  • The small footprint stores the unit in tight spaces and rolls from place to place when you need to move it.
  • Roll it to the work area.  Everything stays secure on-board without the worry of losing components.
  • The Operator's manual is close at hand in its own storage compartment. 

PDFFor more Specs, see Operators Manual

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