The Troll Bridge® Model 2722

Price: $445.00
  • SKUTP-2722
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The Troll® Model 2722 "bridges" the gap between two Troll® 1361 material handling carts to make one bulk capacity monster cart.

  • This is a great addition to complete your Troll® Material Handling Carts system- exceptional value for the price!
  • Made of solid steel construction. The Troll® Bridge can handle awkward and oversized material around the work site.
  • Forklift ducting onto the Troll® Bridge for fast and easy loading.
  • Upright handles store onboard when you need a flatbed cart.
  • Assemble in five minutes! No tools needed.
  • You will need two Model 1361 carts when using the Troll Bridge.
  • The Troll Bridge turns two of your Model 1361's into a monster cart for moving awkward and oversized material.
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